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Thursday 25th July 2024

July Newsletter

This edition highlights the upcoming changes to reporting benefit in kind and other areas such as hybrid workers and accounting for tips.

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Monday 13th May 2024

May Newsletter

This edition looks at the changes to National Insurance and has an article on Capital Gains Tax.

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Monday 23rd October 2023

Autumn Newsletter

The latest edition covers area such as HMRC still reviewing Job Retention Scheme claims for fraud and potential changes to R&D Claims.

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Tuesday 19th July 2022

Issue 3 2022

The articles in this edition include capital gains tax negligible value claims and HMRC reviewing Covid support claims.

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Monday 8th July 2024

The UK's tax gap estimate rose to a record to £39.8 billion in 2022/23 as small businesses accounted for almost two thirds of unpaid tax, according to HMRC's data.

The UK's tax gap estimate rose to a record to £39.8 billion in 2022/23 as small businesses accounted for almost two thirds of unpaid tax, according to HMRC's data.

The tax gap was 4.8%, which is the difference between the amount of tax that should be paid to HMRC and what is actually paid.

The tax gap estimate for corporation tax for small businesses rose to £10.9 billion, while the tax gap for total corporation tax was £13.7 billion.

John Barnett, Chair of the Chartered Institute of Taxation's Technical Policy and Oversight Committee, said:

'Critics of HMRC can point to a record amount – nearly £40 billion – not being collected, but HMRC can legitimately point out that they are bringing in a record share of the expected tax take.

'That both these things can be true simultaneously tells us more about current tax levels than anything else.

'These figures show there is plenty of work for HMRC to do in a range of areas to reduce the tax gap. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that their record, collecting more than 95% of tax due, compares well internationally.'

Internet links: GOV.UK Chartered Institute of Taxation

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Monday 8th July 2024

HMRC has not fined a single enabler of offshore tax evasion in five years, data released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed.

HMRC has not fined a single enabler of offshore tax evasion in five years, data released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request has revealed.

This is despite HMRC having landmark powers, which were introduced in 2017, to impose hefty fines.

The data, which was released to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), suggests that HMRC is failing to target the creators of offshore tax evasion schemes and instead pursues clients of such schemes.

According to the FOI request, HMRC has not fined a single partnership or company for enabling tax evasion since the change in the law in 2017.

Michelle Sloane, a tax disputes partner at law firm RPC, said:

'Enablers were and still are a big focus for HMRC. But these figures show their rhetoric on tackling enablers … is clearly not being followed through with action.'

A spokesperson for HMRC said:

'We have a strong track record in tackling offshore non-compliance. Since the launch of our No Safe Havens strategy in 2019, we have secured almost £700 million from offshore initiatives.'

Internet link: TBIJe

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Monday 8th July 2024

The UK economy grew by more than initially estimated at the start of this year, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The UK economy grew by more than initially estimated at the start of this year, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The economy grew by 0.7% between January and March 2024, up from the previous figure of 0.6%. Growth in the UK services sector helped to push it even higher, the ONS said.

The positive news on growth followed the UK inflation rate falling to its lowest level in almost three years.

According to the ONS, the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rose by 2% in the year to May 2024, down from 2.3% in April.

The data showed that whilst prices are still rising, they're increasing at their slowest pace since July 2021.

David Bharier, Head of Research at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said the data is 'a further sign that the UK is exiting the inflation crisis which began in late 2020'.

He continued: 'It provides additional weight for an interest rate cut in the coming months, something which will be welcomed by firms of all shapes and sizes.

'Our research has shown that a steadily declining number of businesses are concerned about inflation, from a record peak of 84% in mid 2022. This is positive news, but prices are not falling, just rising more slowly, and the economic outlook remains challenging.'

Internet links: ONS ONS BCC

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Monday 8th July 2024

Real average earnings are just £16 a week higher than they were 14 years ago, according to research conducted by the Resolution Foundation.

Real average earnings are just £16 a week higher than they were 14 years ago, according to research conducted by the Resolution Foundation.

The think tank said that the UK's labour market backdrop to the General Election is a prolonged pay squeeze that has left real average wages today just £16 a week higher than in 2010. It stated that this has been caused by three shocks to pay packets in little over a decade, including the financial crisis, the Brexit referendum and the cost-of-living crisis.

According to the Resolution Foundation, in the 14 years prior to the 2010 election, average real wages grew by £145 a week in total.

Hannah Slaughter, Senior Economist at the Resolution Foundation, said:

'Britain's prolonged pay depression has left average earnings just £16 a week higher than they were back in 2010, despite the welcome return of rising real wages in recent months.

'Worryingly, Britain's decade-long jobs boom during the 2010s has also gone bust, with the UK one of only a handful of countries where employment has yet to return to pre-pandemic levels.'

Internet link: Resolution Foundation

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Monday 8th July 2024

The UK government must stop 'walking on eggshells' around improving EU trade ties, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has warned.

The UK government must stop 'walking on eggshells' around improving EU trade ties, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has warned.

The new government must improve the current EU-UK trade and co-operation deal in order to boost economic growth, adds the BCC.

Businesses have criticised the additional red tape and increased costs that Brexit has placed on firms importing and exporting goods to and from the continent.

Importers of food and plants have been hit by charges associated with new Brexit border checks brought in at the end of April.

Other businesses have complained that the increasing divergence on standards, such as those around construction products, has made it more expensive for UK companies to get their products certified for sale on the continent.

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the BCC said:

'I'm not here to look backwards, I'm here to help build a better future for our business leaders and entrepreneurs. We must stop walking on eggshells and start saying it how it is. The current plan isn't working for our members. 

'The EU is the UK's largest market, accounting for 42% of all our exports. Leaving the EU has made it more expensive and bureaucratic to sell our goods and services across the Channel. But better trading terms are possible if the UK government and the EU reach agreement in areas of mutual benefit for business on both sides.

'A better deal is best for everyone.'

Internet link: BCC

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Monday 8th July 2024

The UK has the lowest rates of investment of any other country in the G7, according to analysis by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR).

The UK has the lowest rates of investment of any other country in the G7, according to analysis by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR).

It found that, compared to the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and Japan, the UK was in last place for business investment in 2022.

The IPPR also revealed that the UK has been bottom of the G7 league for investment in 24 out of the last 30 years. It said that the UK has the lowest rates of investment of any G7 economy, and that it ranks 28th out of 31 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries for business investment.

According to the IPPR, countries such as Hungary, Slovenia and Latvia attract higher levels of private sector investment than the UK as a percentage of GDP.

Dr George Dibb, Associate Director for Economic Policy at the IPPR, said:

'If the economy is an engine, then investment is its fuel. The UK's dire productivity performance is the single biggest driver of our dire living standards. Without resources flowing into new investment, it's hard to see how UK economic performance can improve.'

Internet link: IPPR

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Monday 8th July 2024

UK savers are dangerously underestimating the minimum amount needed to retire, according to research from pension provider PensionBee.

UK savers are dangerously underestimating the minimum amount needed to retire, according to research from pension provider PensionBee.

A survey of 1,000 working-age UK adults showed that 23% were unsure of the total pension pot size needed to achieve the retirement income they desire.

Pension Bee said that, according to the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association's (PLSA) Retirement Living Standards, a pension pot of £150,000 would only fund an individual's minimum retirement standard for ten years. Pension Bee suggested that working-age adults could be underestimating the true cost of retirement.

49% of those polled estimated that they would require a pension pot of around £250,000 or more. However, Pension Bee found that there was a lack of clear consensus in regard to desired annual income in retirement.

Becky O'Connor, Director of Public Affairs at Pension Bee, said:

'It's hard to plan for retirement without an idea of how much you might need, yet most Brits seem to be unaware of - or worse, dangerously underestimate - the true cost of retirement.

'A good pension pot is one that can provide enough money for the duration of retirement. As this exact amount will vary based on individual circumstances, pension calculators can be a helpful tool in setting financial goals and adjusting behaviours to achieve them.

'However, one rule is broadly true: the earlier individuals start paying into a pension, the more likely they are to be able to afford their desired lifestyle, as their pension has longer to grow and the amount they're required to save each month reduces.'

Internet link: PensionBee

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Monday 10th June 2024

The next government must take a direct hand in rebuilding trust between HMRC and the self-employed, according to the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE).

The next government must take a direct hand in rebuilding trust between HMRC and the self-employed, according to the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE).

The call is part of IPSE's manifesto for the General Election on 4 July.

Under its proposals, a Cabinet minister would be charged with directly overseeing the tax office. Taxpayers would also be offered more recourse when the department has acted carelessly or unfairly.

The manifesto also calls for the prevention of 'obscenely' long payment terms and the scrapping of the off-payroll rules.

IPSE also wants to see an end to shortfalls in support for self-employed parents and better incentives for people to adopt side hustles.

Derek Cribb, IPSE's CEO, said:

'The self-employed vote is very much up for grabs at this election – more than at any election in living memory.

'The sector is bursting with potential to get more people working, plug skills gaps and grow the economy. But this potential is being squandered by the devastating impact of late payments, careless tax enforcement, and a lack of proactive policymaking catered to the millions of people who work for themselves.

'At this election, the party that fully embraces the self-employed stands to gain their support. The proposals in our manifesto offers the parties the chance to do just that.'

Internet link: IPSE website

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Monday 10th June 2024

Revitalising 'Brand Britain' in its first 100 days in office should be a priority for the party that wins the General Election, says the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).

Revitalising 'Brand Britain' in its first 100 days in office should be a priority for the party that wins the General Election, says the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).

In its Business Manifesto, the business group has mapped out the steps it says the next government can take to redefine the UK's growth trajectory.

The CBI says the next government will need to improve the pitch for private investment with a plan for sustainable growth.

Its key recommendations include a cutting-edge trade and investment strategy and unlocking the power of the UK regions.

Rain Newton-Smith, CBI CEO, said:

'A new government of whatever colour provides an opportunity to shift gear and prioritise the long-term decisions that can deliver a decade of sustainable growth.

'Top of the in-tray should be sharpening the investor pitch for 'Brand Britain' – ensuring we are at the very top of the league table when it comes to investment. At the same time, a focus on building momentum behind the 'big three' enablers across tax, planning and the labour market within the first 100 days can give firms a clear flightpath for growth.

'We want to see a new government deliver a bold pitch to investors across the globe, restore the UK's competitiveness, and double down on our climate commitments and opportunities.'

Internet link: CBI website

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Monday 10th June 2024

An HMRC error could mean that some low-income, self-employed workers lose out on their entitlement to National Insurance-related benefits like the state pension, warns the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG).

An HMRC error could mean that some low-income, self-employed workers lose out on their entitlement to National Insurance-related benefits like the state pension, warns the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG).

The issue centres around the payment of voluntary Class 2 National Insurance contributions (NICs) that can be made by self-employed taxpayers with profits under £6,725.

These voluntary contributions are usually paid by taxpayers as part of their self assessment return and must reach HMRC by 31 January following the end of the tax year.

HMRC then automatically transfers the NICs to the taxpayer's National Insurance record to be counted towards their entitlement to benefits.

However, it appears that HMRC did not initiate the transfer until after the 31 January deadline for the 2022/23 tax year resulting in the voluntary contributions being rejected and automatically refunded to the taxpayer.

In the absence of any action, this could mean that taxpayers miss a qualifying year of NICs.

Antonia Stokes, LITRG Technical Officer, said:

'The issue is unique to the year in question, and our advice to those who might be affected is to first check to see whether they have received a refund from HMRC.

'We would also like to see HMRC acknowledge the error and proactively offer help to those taxpayers who have been affected, in line with HMRC's own charter commitments. However, until they do so, there are practical steps that taxpayers can take to maintain their entitlement to National Insurance-related benefits.'

Internet link: LITRG

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